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Automotive Plastics and Material Management
serving global customers and manufacturers since 1987
Sankyo America, Inc. is a subsidiary of Sankyo Kasei Sangyo, Inc. in Japan.
Strategically located in Indianapolis, Indiana, we serve our customers in the supply of various plastic materials used for diverse applications in the automotive industry and beyond.

Sankyo America offers many product lines from domestic to import.
With our exclusive inventory control and delivery management system we can meet customer's needs and provide cost reductions for both our suppliers and customers.
Sankyo America's integrated capability to supply various grades in one truck with just-in-time delivery to meet customer expectations, is pioneering the leading edge distribution system to improve productivity in the total system. Sankyo America will continue to strive for future challenges.
Material Certifications
Please contact your Customer Service Representative to obtain your user name and password to log on to your material certifications by either entering the lot number or Sankyo Part Number.

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